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The Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

Massage has been a long standing tradition over hundreds of years. It has been well known to promote healing and relaxation. But massage can be more beneficial than just the loosening of sore and tight muscles. Massage therapy, in all types, encourages and promotes all sorts of benefits and types of personal healing. Here we will discuss the important health benefits of massage therapy, and will later discuss the different types of massage therapy available so that you may pick the best type of massage for your individual needs.

Improves posture

Though massage therapy is not the same as a chiropractic or physical therapy evaluation or remedy, it can help to improve posture over time. As the muscles around the spine become more fluid and flexible, the spine will eventually straighten out, relieving many types of chronic back and shoulder pain.

Reduces anxiety
Since anxiety is usually stored in the muscles of the body, massage therapy can help to loosen and relax those muscles, thereby releasing the buildup of tension in the body. Massage, when done right, can be an incredibly relaxing experience.

Eases pain
Massage for back pain, especially, has been shown to be as effective – and in some cases, more effective – than traditional treatments like medication. Massage decreases the amount of stiffness and pain a client may be experiencing.

Improves sleep
When being massaged, a deep massage may promote the brain to produce more delta waves. Delta waves are the neurological triggers in your brain that promote deep sleep. Therefore, a massage is a great way to get a sleep schedule back on track, or even for the recovering insomniac.

Boosts immunity
Perhaps the most interesting and unknown benefit of massage is how it can effectively boost one’s immune system. This incredible phenomenon has been attributed to massage producing a greater number of white blood cells. Since white blood cells are responsible for fighting disease, one has a lesser risk of developing sickness.

Now that we’ve identified the many and wonderful benefits of massage therapy, let’s identify now the different types of massage therapy out there. This is by no means an all-inclusive list, for there are far many more massage therapies available that do not have traditional names. These are simply some of the most popular and well known means of massage therapy.

Massage therapy can be a wonderful option for those who are seeking alternative means of healing and care aside from traditional medical techniques. The ancient form of massage has survived hundreds of years because it is incredibly effective in dealing with the everyday stressors people face. With the affordability and availability of massage, anyone can and should take advantage of the intense healing effects of massage therapy. It has even been shown that those who are delivering massages take on a sense of personal peace and well being, demonstrating that massage is not simply a one-way street in which a client is having services performed on him/her.

Massage is a combination of therapy and holistic medicine while relying on the trust that develops between client and masseuse. There is a reason why celebrities and performers may travel with a personal masseuse! Finding the right massage therapy for you is the first important step towards total healing, finding the perfect masseuse is the second. Combining a great form of massage with an excellent masseuse will make the healing feel ten times stronger than massage therapy alone. Whatever you may decide to try, welcome to your personal journey through massage therapy.

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